A quality breakfast can set the tone for you to have increased energy, better mood, clarity, and focus to start your day. Eating a heavy breakfast may cause people to feel, bloated, tired and sluggish as the body starts the day working hard digesting solid food. When consuming a big breakfast, your body needs to work hard to utilize/burn those calories you started the day with. In addition, your body after a long night of rest, is typically dehydrated so adding liquids and easy to digest foods may make a tremendous impact on your energy levels during the early morning. This is why I am a big fan of my clients consuming a “power shake” or blended smoothie in the morning 1-2 hours after they wake up. A person can attain all the nutrients they need in a liquid form and hydrate the body efficiently as they start their day.

Benefits of breakfast smoothies are:
- Starting your day with healthy nutritions meal to set the tone for the rest of the day.
- If you are not currently consuming solid vegetables or fruits, you can add a 1/2-1 cup of fruits & veggies in the smoothie for health benefits.
- If you are someone having a hard time consuming protein in your diet, you can add your favorite protein powder of choice to your smoothie to increase your protein intake for the day.
- Consuming a smoothie can support healthy weight loss or weight gain
- Can provide an early morning energy boost
A few fruits that you can consider adding to your smoothies are:
Strawberries, Bananas, Blueberries, Mangos, Pineapples, Raspberries, Dates, Plums, and green apples.
Some fruits are lower in the glycemic index than others so be mindful if your goal is weight loss as it may be best to choose what fruits that limits the insulin spike.
Strawberries, Blueberries, Raspberries, are lower in the glycemic index than bananas, dates, mangos and pineapples so if you do not want to spike your insulin as high, you may want to consider those options instead.
Healthy Fats:
Avocado, Coconut Cream, Nuts, Seeds
*Dairy, Oat Milk, Goat Milk, Protein Powder, Yogurt
If you are someone that is sensitive to dairy, you may want to consider a different liquid such as water, or nut milk to mix with your smoothie.
To mix with water, or favorite type of milk, it is recommended to use a blender.
My favorite blender and the one I personal own is the Ninja. Simply because you can add your ingredients, shake it up, drink or travel with it and easily wash the shaker bottle right afterwards without it being messy.
A recipe to support weight loss:
1/2-1 cup of frozen berries mix
1 cup of Spinach
1 cup of Almond milk (unsweetened)
2 tbsp of Coconut Cream
Vanilla Protein Powder 1-2 scoops
Blend for 1 minute and enjoy!
Simple, delicious and nutritious.
A recipe for healthy weight gain:
1 cup of frozen berries
1/2 cup of bananas
1 cup of Spinach
1 cup of almond milk (extra creamy)
1-2 tbsp Nut Butter (Peanut butter, Almond Butter) If you are allergic to nut butter add 1/2 avocado
Chocolate Protein Powder 1-2 scoops
Blend for 1-minute and enjoy!
Simple, delicious and nutritious.
What are your favorite recipes? Comment below and share with the community some of your go to power shake recipes.
Coach Edwin Wealth.
2 Responses
great suggestions!
Hello L, Thank you for your feedback.