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7 Books To Add To Your Reading List

“An investment in knowledge pays the best interest”- Benjamin Franklyn

Below is a list of a few books that I appreciated reading and or listening to via audio book. These books have made a big impact in my life and I hope it does for you as well.


Mindset, by Dr. Carol Dweck

This book is one of my favorite books to read of all time. I read this after the pandemic in 2020 and it allowed me to think about how I show up in certain areas of my life. In addition, my thought processes behind learning new ideas, developing new skills and tackling challenges stem from either a growth vs fix mindset. I appreciated this book the most because many of the concepts Dr Carol Dweck speaks about can be applied to oneself as well as to helping elicit a growth mindset for your child. Simply by how you choose to complement or praise your child can make a difference in the ability to tackle challenges.




Relentless, by Tim Grover


This book is for those who want to be top performers and or high achievers in their future aspirations or chosen careers. You can apply the concepts of this book in a sports setting, or corporate environment. I appreciated the understanding of Michael Jordan’s mindset. In addition, the understanding of what made him different from the rest.

The author, Tim Grover, was Michael Jordan’s personal trainer during his time with the Chicago Bulls. As Michael Jordan’s personal trainer, he shares deep insights on what made Michael Jordan great in addition shares about his experience as his personal trainer. Not only is this book inspiring, it really drives the point of what it takes to be at the top of your craft.



The Champion’s Mind, by Jim Afremow


This book is a great read and I believe are for those people who want to understand how to prepare for competition, whether it is a team or individual sport, Jim Afremow shares how to prepare mentally and develop a plan of action for any athletic competition. One of my many take aways was how to grade my performances efficiently so I have realistic expectations based on my preparation leading to the day of the event. He speaks about how athletes who are in the top of the class think and operate to execute efficiently.




The Motivation Myth, by Jeff Haden

This book helped me understand the concept of Motivation. One of my take away is that to be motivated, first, one must take an action step. Once we take the action step that is leading us towards our destination, it is a lot easier to keep pushing towards the intended path. Jeff, shares that you don’t get motivated by simply getting motivated to do something, you first have to take an action step. So thinking about starting to exercise- to get motivated, maybe the action step is leaving your clothing prepared overnight or simply just getting up and getting out of your house.




Can’t Hurt Me, by David Goggins


Can’t Hurt Me, By David Goggins is one of my  favorite books to read/listen to when I am in the need for a little inspiration. David Goggins’s story was inspiring to me and gave me a better understanding or perseverance and highlighted the concept of pushing your mind to another level when striving to accomplish challenging tasks. What he overcame in his life and how he was able to accomplish some of his successes helped me understand, that there is an additional gear that I can shift to so that I can push through adversity.  Great read, and would highly recommend. After reading this book, I immediately signed up for my first trail marathon, which I only prepared for two months. It was tough but, I got it done. Thanks to the Goggins mindset.



Rich Dad Poor Dad, by Robert Kiyosaki


Rich Dad Poor Dad is one of those books that will allow you to tap into your entrepreneurial spirit. Robert, shares his experiences of being raised by both his Father who was poor and his uncle, who was rich and how both of their advice heavily impacted his life. His birth father went to school, got a degree, got good grades and worked hard at a good paying job, but was poor.

While is uncle who was the complete opposite, was not educated in the school system, yet invested his money in real estate, owned and operated his own businesses and ultimately was wealthier than his birth father. He goes into detail of what characteristics and qualities he admired about both and what set them apart and why he choose to follow in the footsteps of his uncle “Rich Dad”.



The Conscious Parent, by Shefali Tsabary 


The Conscious Parent is a great read to help parents at all stages of their children’s development. It helps parents understand how they may be showing up in their children’s life and how ones behaviors, attitudes and beliefs impact their children’s development as well as the parents personal relationship with their child as the child grows up.

In addition, how one’s parenting style heavily influences his/hers child’s thinking. The author talks about parents, and the benefits of putting their egos to the side by meeting their child where they are. This is not a read on how to fix your child so that they can be different or improve, but how you can improve yourself in certain areas of your thinking to better your relationship with your children and have a great impact on your child’s life.



Let us know if you have read any of these books mentioned above and if you have any personal favorites that you would like to share. If you have any recommendations, feel free to leave a comment.


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Our mission is to support Fathers continue to be great leaders at home by helping enhance their overall health, wellness, fitness and mindset through Fitness, Nutrition and Life Coaching.

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