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Getting Lean: Is It Worth The Trade-Off?

What are you willing to change or give up to get lean?

As many people know, to attain any level of success, in any area of an individuals life, a person must really come to terms to what one is willing to do and or give up to attain those goals.  It can be personal time, finances, family experiences, relationships, and even health. Having this level of awareness may help you understand what you may have to come to terms with, when it comes to gaining muscle, increasing strength, decreasing stress, improving your mobility, and or getting leaner.

There are always tradeoffs to attaining a particular result and below is an infographics from Precision Nutrition that I love. It puts things into perspective regarding what a person may need to consider to attain certain results specifically when it comes to reducing body fat percentage and getting leaner.

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Our mission is to support Fathers continue to be great leaders at home by helping enhance their overall health, wellness, fitness and mindset through Fitness, Nutrition and Life Coaching.

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